Monday, June 27, 2005


last night a church was sweet, God really showed up, such a sense of freedom I try to break dance at the back without worrying what ppl would think:), the dude who spoke was great, about prayer a of Habakuk's (in Hab 3), who was a prophet in the old testament, who was saying to God, "rightso I heard you did all this amazing stuff in times gone before, but will you do it again now?"

Contrary to popular/my belief everyone in the old testament didnt cross the read sea, see goliath be killed and build the temple. Some were around in times that had nothing but the stories of God's great miracles and works.... sounds familiar

the dude who was speakin was fairly old and was like, "yeah I would be dead but Im hanging round to see God move miraculously again". I suppose I have always had that distant hope or wild dream that we could rock around like Jesus or the disciples and just heal people, raise people from the dead. Hanging around this part of the world those ideas kinda slip into the "and i wish i could fly like superman" part of the brain.

but i think its coming, i truly believe that Jesus power is the same, and that He loves people enough to want to heal them, and tell us special things that only He knows to encourage them and let them know who he is. Its happenin all over the world, laura my mate is seeing it...

the greatest miracle is definately salvation, this guy came to church last night on his own for the first time, and at the end was at the front in tears saying "this is mad this place is like nowhere else, i never thought i could come to the front of a church" but why can we believe that the God of the universe can make a personal connection with someone, speak into their heart, and yet not he can correct a part of their body that is damaged or hurting?

so whats stopping us? lets get involved, instead of trying to argue with people and convince them God exists, allow Him to show Himself in you, He lives in you. get close enough to know what this is:
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (col 1v27 NIV)

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