Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Grace vs. Law

since sunday i have been debating in my head about whether i had too much to drink or not. basically i am still detirmined to never do to anyone else what i did to kelly.
i had a few on sunday and i had been trying to definately not have more than two. i had been working on none aswell. so i had been kinda focused on rules to keep me in the clear, but then chatting to dave my mentor and listening to God this morning i realised that the one person who doesnt want me to go back down that road more than me is Jesus. If i would just let Him work in me and rely on His grace then i can be transformed in a way that no amount of rules will ever achieve.

i still think it can be good to say right for this time im not going to drink at all, or something but its about why im doing that, is it to try and make me better or is it in response to pure love?

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