Sunday, April 13, 2003

Palm sunday = BRING IT ON sunday

it strikes me that Jesus had been out round the towns and challenging the Pharasees and established religion for a while and everyone knew he wasnt making any friends, his card was marked so what does he do? go underground for a while till things cool off?

NO! him and his disciples march into Jerusalem (the city of God's dwelling place, established religion centre) on a donkey ( deiberately chosen to fulfill messiah scriptures) and then head in to the temple(the place that is the focus of the whole Jewish religion) and Jesus turns it upside down, throwing out the moneylenders etc!!(matt 21) Jesus going to fade away cause the religious ppl say so? No he's gonna keep fighting for God's will till it kills him...

"Just as the Father sent me, I send you." - Jesus(John 20)

here is an email questionaire i decided not to torment you all with but didnt want to waste all the effort of doing it so an posting feel free to ask any questions arising from it...

*--------GENERAL INFO--------*
Time: 16:56pm
Date: 13th April 2003
Name: Graham Thomas Patrick Robinson
School/Uni: Southampton
Location: Have a wild guess
Hair: short with a blonde patch on one side a mohican in the middle

Height: 6ft 1inapprox
Shoe size: 11
Brothers/sisters: 3 sisters; Catherine Sophie and lucinda

Who lives with you: at uni: Ed the legend, Vikki, Michelle, Ant and Nat
When is bedtime: around then, it depends
*--------HAVE YOU--------*
Ever been so drunk you blacked out: forgotten sum stuff but not fully
Missed school/uni because it rained: wha?
Put a body part on fire for amusement: jumped through one with Dara for Iranian new year
Been hurt emotionally: yes
Kept a secret from everyone: no i usually tell someone
Had an imaginary friend: no
Wanted to hook up with a friend: hook up?
Cried during a movie: yes (My Girl)
Had a crush on a teacher: yes, Miss Curie P3+P4, the art student in upper 6th Kerrie Anne
Ever thought an animated character was hot: like burning hot?
Been on stage: Not recently
Cut your hair: just a few trims myself but Madame Dupont has been excellent

Shampoo: whatever my sisters have left behind in the shower

Colour: black and white/ green
Day/night: Both but you can't beat a great day out in the sunshine but then a really good nite will include a sunrise...

Summer/winter: Summer
Lace or satin: Satin
Fave food: Tayto Cheese and Onion, Steak, an Ulster Fry
Fave add: dont watch much TV at the minute

Fave movies: Fight Club, Traffic, America Beauty, Easy Rider, loads more
Fave ice-cream: banana split
Fave subject: Art/photography

Fave 'normal' drink: whats normal? guinness
Fave person to talk to online: dont, rather meet people face to face
Fave Actor: Sean Connary, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey
Fave Actress: Helena bona Carter is good, my wee sister is always good for a performance!

*--------RIGHT NOW--------*
Wearing: my brown chords, t-shirt and jumper
Hair: as above

Eating: nothing waiting for a rib roast and then a pot luck dinner : )
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: putting this on my blog

Listening to: A tritubute to Rich Mullins, previously rory's band the 3rddan who are class check out

*--------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS--------*
Cried: yea, church was AMAZING this moring brought home the reality what Jesus was experiencing and how he was pushed to the very edge of the human experience, and the music was inspired
Worn jeans: there are in the wash
Met someone new: yeah a cool guy John who did some prayer ministry for me @ mannafest and then a really drunk woman in Auntie annies who kind of collapsed on me!
Cleaned your room: no
Laundry: no
Drove a car: yeah i was driving last nite

*--------DO U BELIEVE IN--------*
Yourself: yeah
Your friends: definately
Santa Claus: no, but he is a legend
Tooth fairy: no
Destiny/fate: yes, in that they are external forces to what we experince visually in this reality but i dont call them those names.
Angels: yes
Ghosts: i believe in spitiual beings and the posibility of communcating with them and the spirits of dead ppl, but i also believe in the concept of final jugdement i.e. we just dont float around rattling chains but go before our creator God

*--------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------*
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no
Like someone: you could say that
Who have you known the longest of your friends: John Cairns probably, then Ben jamin and the rest of the muckers later

Who's the shyest: hard to say everyone is changing at uni and stuff

Who's the weirdest: all of us, me??

Who do you cry to: Jesus and whoever is there at the time

When do you cry the most: there is no particular time just when i am moved

Who will respond to this e-mail the fastest: who cares?

Who did you send this to who wont respond: well im only sending it to Mikey and he sent me one so i dont expect a response

Who sent it to you: Mikey the Rock

Time now: 17.25pm