Friday, April 29, 2005

real wee(a)k,

this week has been pretty up and down, at the start of it in church, i prayed that i would actually do what God called me to do and try and help out some homeless people around dublin. I was really scared and worried i might end up loosing loads of stuff or something..

on monday, i felt like i should talk to this guy but i ran for my bus instead, then at home i felt like i had to go back into town, i ended up chilling with this really sound guy called paddy, he was dead straight telling me he was a junkie he got benifits from the state and he begged to get drugs and then when he needed more he begged more.

so i was praying for him later, i didnt know what to pray but just prayed God's will,
on tuesday i ran away from another homeless guy i had talked to before, and felt like a total lapper. but still that God loved me just as much as the night before

on wednesday i heard this INCREBIBLE woman speak called Betty and did some networking with SUAS people but stayed out to late waiting to talk to this girl and in the end i never did - loser, and was feeling really proud about habitat

yesterday, had hectic day with habitat meeting in evening and had to make handbooks and do c programming in work(hate it) and was knackered. on the way home i saw paddy sitting at the phone box, had a smoke with him and he told me he has got a place on a long term rehabilitation programme !! it was the best news ive had in ages, the waiting list is really long and to quote Paddy "someone out there must be looking out for me" SWEET praise the Lord.


Anonymous said...

Graham, I admire you so much

graham said...

its got very little to do with me, i had just been ignoring Him for so long i had to listen or i knew i would loose so much, like on the last trip to miami, our leader was like we arent here to "do mission" our lives are mission so just be yourself, but i think for me its always been easier on trips and this week was a glance of what it could be like if "let that which does not matter truly slide" :)