Saturday, April 02, 2005

so what happening in miami then.... part A

the team,
call to sacrifice,
got frustrated,
lapped the show?,

the team
So who was on the team? leader was mark a londoner 26 really sound and wise and mature, birthed and turfed a church already, knows the score but likes prog house and trance :( Steph total legend, she is ginger, has done a dance degree and works for 24-7. Charlie a really funny, joyful girl who is full of raw spiritual power. Then there were two swedish girls anna and josefin who werent with us all the time but had a habit of showing up at just the right moment...

call to sacrifice
when the four of us got together and prayed for each other properly it was pretty cool, definately feeling the prophetic flow, then when my turn came mark, said it was a time of challenge, where i needed to be sacrifice, and that i could have a grand life just living in my talents and gifts but it was just costing compared to what could happen if i was prepared to let God do all He wanted. scary! i started reading ezekiel during some quite times, and had a bit of a mad head on me, feeling the weight of what it would mean to say yes to this and frekin out a bit...

during days before we were chilling and walking and the conferance is just so big (30 events everyday and night) it was hard to grasp where to go and t o feel like we were actually being of any use. mark's philosiphy was one of a chilled approach and doing life there as a natural expression of mission, but super intense graham sometimes found that a bit difficult...

lapped the show?
outside starbucks on the way home one night were this couple from Ohio (where i spent a month in the summers of 99 and 01) who told us this story of how they were moving down south with the girls brother when they got involved in a high speed police chase (her bro was a bit dodge) but when the police caught the car arrested the brother and found the couple were innocent, they just dumped them on the road and they had no cash to stay anywhere or get home.
the bro might have gotten out the next day so they could at least have gotten some $ from him or whatever so they wanted to stay around for another day, but were scared about sleepin on the beach again. mark bought them dinner and we prayed with them, them the four us left and discussed what we might do, charlie was up for getting them a room and it just reminded me so much of me back in mexico, so i was up for getting them a bus and/or giving them one of our hotel rooms, mark, who has professional experiecne of working with the homeless decieded it was too big a risk of us maybe being thrown out of the hotel if they tried to steel stuff or whatever. Steph felt the same as mark and they were in charge so we went with the conclusion that we would try and see them tomorrow and maybe get them a ticket if it hadnt gone well with brother. it really sucked walking away from them, i respect mark as a wiser older more responsible Christian and he was the leader, but im yet to be in that place with other christians where the risk means nothing and the heart everything. I dont know if thats because its not the right attitude, or the situation wasnt right, but jesus ending up on a cross doesnt seem very sensible.

still to come
cheeky one on the bus,
blown away,
baptismo de la maximismo

1 comment:

Heather said...

i would have gone with what Mark and Steph said just cuz they are more experienced AND the ones in charge. I am sure they were trying to do the best for everyone, it is so tough being a leader and doing the best for everyone. God wants us to use our hearts AND our brains.