Friday, October 28, 2005


Reading 1 john 4:7 - 5:5
My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. In cell last night and again today.

What is love? Can we understand it? Can I understand it?

Is love proved in life? in death?

We all seem to want to, need to be loved, it calls from deeper than consciousness...

Should it then be left undefined? Allowed to flow freely in us as a true heart cry, a true desire?

Is there a balance? To wrestle with our minds to try and understand what we seek,

to dream of love without trying to put it in a box and rob it of its mystery....


Anonymous said...

I think love is indescribable and can never be explained, it is so unique and individual and no love can ever be compared, no one can ever understand anyone else's love or even really comprehend that love.
Un-conditional love is even more extreme than that, it is inexplainable and uncomprehendable to the human mind because it goes against human nature and that's why it's so amazing and the same with the love that God shows and that's even more to the extreme of inexplainable and undescribable!
Ok am babbling now those are just my humble opinons from my experience of love.

Brett Nissen said...

Hey mate! How's school...just haven't heard about your neck of the woods in a while. Is the fury and madness of academics getting to you yet?

johndryan said...

Hey, Graham,

Long time, glad to see you're still blogging away. Thought of you the other day & thought I'd pop along and check it out, how's life, college?

Keep in touch,


Kirsty said...

Hey there Graham, how you doing? Just found your blog through Em and Daves blog (theres quite a maze of them now) so thought I would say hello! Im going to ramble now.

Interesting questions about love...its one of those things that you can ponder for days, think you have an answer, then realise there is so much more to it than you are taking into account. Its bizzare. Having never been IN love, I wouldnt really know what to tell you, but I do agree with your statements. We do all want to be loved, need to be loved. I dont know what it is, and the only thing I can guess at is that God has planted this need inside of us, because He IS love. Therefore our craving for love, is our craving for him and though we also crave to be loved by the world, ultimately we desire to be beings who can love and are loved and feel love.

I think that is what it means to be made in Gods Image. He made us to be like Him, and He is love. So naturally we desire love from all angles and sources. Its when our desire for love of the world overtakes our desire for Him that we get into trouble and messy situations.

Because ultimately, if we love God, and we KNOW He loves us, he will give us the desire of our hearts. And because we love God and are drawing ever closer to Him, the desires of our hearts become the desires of His heart and so He gives us what was originally intended for us. Love.