Wednesday, August 17, 2005

trust me on the pin number

in baz lutherman stylee if i have one piece of travel advice for anyone...
dont forget you pin number. especially if you are in ukraine where no one speaks english, especally if there banks dont take chip and pin, especially if it costs a bomb to use the internet or ring home, especially if you need to book a flight home, especially if you have to get buses between travel agents, internet and banks etc ad infitium.

there has been loads happening since siget some good some bad. i nearly went to russia but the visa was $300, so then i have to refund a plane and train ticket i had to buy to prove i was going to leave the country to get a visa. i have basically spent the last four days trying to sort it all out and contunally banging my head off language barriers. i have been flapping like a big bird. which is not really what i had in mind for this trip / pilgramige. but the few times i have chilled and listened to God have been cool. was singing folk songs with a drunk outside a church last night - he did one ukrainian i did one irish.

today i visited a set monastry site that was about the size of Dungannon, it was mad, so many churchs and caves and paths and lanes. didnt really understand much cause the english guide was $30 which is more than my hostel costs for a night!
it was mad, but definately felt the beard went down well. I havent shaved for about 3 weeks now, so even not so manly me has grown a fine ginger snot catcher. lovely

right im gone

1 comment:

Stevie P said...

buddy hope ur enjoying urself!! btw who's ur hot friend??!! :)