Thursday, August 04, 2005

better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all

thinkin deeply the yesterday on the bus, reading Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning, it has a bit about gratitude and being grateful for all of our lives not just the "good" bits or people. it really challenged me, it feels liberating to think that God has been working through all things but then can i really say that some of the stuff i have done to other people was somehow something to be grateful for?

when in a vaguely disconnected way brought me on to thinkin about whether or not it is better to love and loose than never love at all? like if you are in a situation where you could get into a relationship with someone, knowing that ultimately and probably quite soon you will have to go your separate ways, is it better to do that for the good times with each other or does the risk of hurtin the other person mean its better to leave it?

is that loving and loosing?


Globegirl said...

if you don't mind my two cents, i'd say no, it's not worth it. life has enough heartache and distraction of it's own without creating it.

the bible says to guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows life. it seems like sacrafice of long-term peace and whole-ness for something that will only feel good for a little while.

charlie said...

ruthless trust - what a book. would love to hear some of your thoughts on it someday if you fancy it!