Monday, May 09, 2005

nothing busy week,
wierd reading the below post, almost seems like a different world... just had a busy nothing week, where nothing really matterd but it still tired me out. saw sarah and brendan over the weekend which was cool, but insisted on going into the dark room for about 4 hours yesterday, which did yield some sweet prints of a battle of the bands last week, but knackered me. got some looking after by a few friends last night, so thats all good,
this week is looking well hecitc and various attempted world changign ideas feeling particularly pie in the sky....
my mentor has gone off on a four day retreat, which to be honest sounds like a plan...
need to be doing some
"furious rest"
to quote the legendary ms hume

gave the auld blog a bit of a face lift all that dark green was getting depressing!

check out this guys video blog kinda makes you wonder about the future, and possible rise of a true anti-hero? or maybe its just a pain in the arse


Jenny said...

Revision really sucks so have taken up blog hopping as my new way of procrastinating. Along with lovely hobnob biscuits yumyum!! Anyway just to say....hey!


Anne said...

hope everything is going well in life!

Duff said...

furious rest eh? i could use a bit of that...