Saturday, August 10, 2013

CS Lewis - why i believe Love is the answer

I have been reading CS Lewis,

He was a brilliant man and has heavily influenced modern western orthodox christianity and attitudes to evangelism and apologetics even more greatly than I could have imagined.

He expounded that believing in God is not only logic but the reasonable conclusion upon considering the human condition.  The foundations of this are based on the concepts that we all have a sense of right and wrong or morality, which we seem helpless to obey.  Jesus offers hope of deliverance from this dilemma and His love empowers us to live right.

I personally have enjoyed his books and he is indeed an excellent writer, explaining very difficult concepts with simplicity and humour.  However, he wrote in a time when men went to war, ( WW1 WW2) and a sense of honour and duty were understood and relevant to the average person.

Further and perhaps most interestingly, although, he wrote a book called miracles explaining the naturalness of a supernatural God doing supernatural things, he did not experience or move in the supernatural himself in the fullness that Jesus invites us to.

Finally, the nature of his argument for God and reasoning our way through his argument necessitates we start with widespread condemnation of anyone listening to begin a journey of considering they are sinful and in need of God’s rescue from their terrible state.

So here we are in 2013, I believe doing a dis-service to CS Lewis by maintaining his arguments specifically constructed to speak to the everyday man of 1940’s and 50’s England.

It is a new day and the operation of the Holy Spirit moving in miraculous ways in the church all around the world and western churches cannot be ignored neither can the attitude and prevalent mindset of current culture.

I believe our Western culture is desperate for love, desperate for attention, desperate for recognition and desperate for identity.  We live in a world of flashing lights and immediate delivery, where it is assumed everyone is looking out for number 1 (themselves) and concepts of right and wrong, honour and duty are no more than tools for manipulation or half the name of a video game.

God’s authentic, unconditional, selfless, supernatural love is, I believe, the most relevant message to a western world.  Which, like a stomach full of popcorn and coke, is restless and dissatisfied by a meaningless experience of reality, despite the flashing lights and unparalleled immediate access to more entertainment,  information and excitement that ever before.

My experience of God is a wild torrent of unconditional love which has completely overwhelmed my fears and insecurities.  His supernatural power and the demonstration of His love through miracles is a more powerful description of His character than any logical reasoning.  His passionate obsession with me and forming of a unique destiny makes every day exciting. 

It is I believe we should seek to communicate God’s insuppressible love and desire for friendship with every human no matter their sexuality, lifestyle, appearance or background.  

To present Good news rather than bad should be our focus.  Once we begin a relationship with Jesus, Holy Spirit and Papa, they will sanctify and transform us, leading us into all truth.  Repentance and the discovery of our own sinfulness will always be fundamental elements of this journey but I believe the context of God’s magnificent love must first be established for those steps to lead to true unity with Him.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Beautiful, powerful and very true writing. Thoroughly enjoyed your post, and reading of your experiences you have a powerful testimony.