Friday, January 19, 2007

some rambilngs

Mashed up in the ireland:
went over to catch up with mozambique crew last night in coleraine, it was pure awesome, we ate, chatted and then on got blasted by the Holy Spirit yooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Rocky Balboa:
i accoumpanied a good friend to the press viewing of this on wednesday night. its whack for the first hour, then the training montage kicks in and i was nearly in tears "go on rocky son"
verdict: take you da, it will give him great hope that "its not over till its over"

Tip your fecking waitress:
was hanging out with my mate and his girlfriend who are manager and supervisor in two different restaurants on the same road near a cool church. but apart from lots of funny stories it kinda sucked that they both were of the opinion that christians were the worst tippers they came across. its such a simple way to bless someone, who has to serve you. dont spend all your money leave enough for a decent tip (10% is average aim for 15%) i mean God gave us the riches of heaven and we wont even pass a little on.

1 comment:

dave and em said...

Yo skobeso, check me new blog