Wednesday, November 30, 2005

anywhere, anything

i would go anywhere do anything just to prove myself to anyone. sometimes that leads to great adventures, other times disasterous consequences, but ultimately it robs me of identity. what would i do if i really didnt care what anyone thought? dont know never been there.

sometimes i dare to be different, but is that partly cause i like the idea of people seeing me as someone who dares to be different? i think this is also very true of my religion, what would Jesus do? what would these ppl think Jesus would do?
cause Jesus left his job, made wine, trashed templets, hung out with prostitues and got killed by the authorities. yet somehow that gets equatedd to being nice, getting up early on sunday and not doing anything too risky.

that means lots of me is bottled up, only to be released in rare occasions that have to be appologiesd for afterwards. thats not a life lead by a loving relationship with God, sometimes maybe when no one's lookin i might be genuine, or carry a passion from my heart beyond these bounds of opinion, but these are the exception not the rule.

but no more, if God's grace and power are all conqueoring, which i belive they are, then out of the bottle i come all the bits, exposed to his light that which does not benefit will go, and in the mean time i will not be listening to any voice that says what will people think...


Anonymous said... never fail to inspire me! Like i said...God wants to do soooooooo much with you, remember you gotta be that rock! so true...gotta be like Jesus not trying to fit in with the "Christian" so-called mould, God has got such amazing plan for you and I can't wait to see it unfold....its gonna be good...and it's gonna be so crazy exciting!!!!

Miche said...

the more time i spend with you, the more i see the passion you have God and the visions you have. Keep that at the centre of your relationship with God and he will continue to bless and use you there!!admitting your faults is just making you a sronger person in God for you are trusting him and making yourself vulnerable to him and other people and thats what he wants from you. He wants the real Graham not the Graham everyone expects you to be. It hard and a long journey and youre not alone as everone goes through it. but its exciting as to what he is going to produce from it!! ur great my irish mate!! u still want to do the photos!?!...

Anonymous said...

Graham, I live with Emma Duncan. I met you that morning. I just found a link to this site and i want to encourage you to take huge, huge risks. I told you about my band when i met you and we are taking some enourmous risks at the moment. we just spent £7000 hiring one of bristol's biggest venues. it could end up with us looking so stupid and being in huge debt but i have to tell you, i've never felt so excited and alive. we feel that its the right thing to do and we'e doing it. ive realised more and more this year that this is the only way to live. as if ive got nothing to do except totally please god. its brilliant. The gig is this sunday (11th) if you feel like coming down. (dorry. couln't resist a plug)