Saturday, July 16, 2005

rise up

I watched the film The Corporation its pretty good / mad. Mixed in with Pete Greig's Arise and build talk from Transmission, and my general feelings...

The way in which international corporations are currently functioning, with no accountability or independant montioring body, is naturally leading to them doing all sorts of seriously heavy and bad stuff, as the saying goes "Power corrupts and absolute power corupts absolutely".

But how could they be truly held accoutnable? most of the countries where they do some of the worst stuff, the government of that country bent over backwards to try and attract the corporation because overall they know it will help their economy, so therefore have no power whatsoever to try and hold them accountable.

If the WTO or World Bank stopped trying to represent these corporations and started worring about what sort of a would they are creating, maybe they could do something, but that would require a 180 degree turn in practice. A revolutionary change.

I think that to wait for those with all the power and wealth to give that up will not be within this generation. I think this is the challenge of our generation. We could enter these bodies and try and redirect them from the insdie, however their structures and beaucracy coupled with the level of change I belive to be essential means that i think an external opposing force will be the only way to effect the neccessary change.

Im not talking about some fight club stylee homework, more in the line of martin luther king or the fella in the photo. What if we formed and international coalition, and in the same day all travelled to our major ports and blocked the road? You see no matter what the company if they make it for cheap over there, they have to get it to the shop to sell it for deer here. That means there is a bottle neck of all these things at our ports.

To block the roads for a few days or a week, would be sufficient to get the worlds attention. It would take a lot of careful planning and communication to try and get the message through corporation owned news networks but could it work?

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Good call. Gimme a time and date an I'll be there. Was good to hear from you. What dates are you in Hungary? I thought you were gone already.