Wednesday, August 25, 2004


to everyone who was praying for me and the team. i just got back yesterday and have begun realising just how much God has done and how the prayers of the saints (you) have been answered. its hard to quantify all thats happened, both to the island and in my heart, but it has been an adventure of epic proportions with God showing His awesome charater, power and love.

many people heard the gospel, were prayed for, some were healed, we saw visions and prophesied, prayed and cried. the churches were further united i met some truly inspiring people and clubbed like never before.

it was not without struggles and troubles, cars didnt show up for trips, plans were changed and re-changed, we didnt know what was going to happen until it did, from a personal point of view the ibethenco attitude to bearwear or total lack of, was difficult, more grace was required for repeating myself again and again to people who either werent used to my mumblings or english was not their first language.

but in the end we got there, i gave it 100% and did my best to be obedient
so the rest is in God's hand's so again THANK YOU ALL

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