Sunday, March 09, 2003

i feel good ... knew that i would ... SO good etc

it is a bit sad, but i am happy cause i was just able to write a programme that ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING USEFUL, my friend sam's coursework needed data split over 5 coloumns but the file he was given had only 1 with the five bits of data in it, the problem was it was 535 rows deep so simply doing it by hand was going to be a MISSION. i wrote a programme that split it up into different files. Simple as that sounds this took me the best part of 3hrs, but now it is finnished, and i think it worked :)

apart from that my week has been pretty hectic, went out a little too much and my joints are a bit stiff, fairtrade fortnight is HAPPENING, getting signatures for a petition so the uni will swap the cafe to Fairtrade, going well, pray we get enough, and pray for a club night on Tuesday, its faritrade themed if loads of ppl show up and pay £2 in then the cost of the 2weeks of PR and events will be covered which needs to happen :)<>br
oh yeah and monday is the big day
i will begin haircuts...

i did a fundraiser where the people get to decide what hair cut i get (a bit of a change from the old head shave) its for Cape Town this summer with habitat for humanity and St Johns church, and still not too late to sponser me (it never will be!)

on monday i will be getting a mullet

then next monday a mohican

then next monday a fin ( a nice short boybandy type haircut)

Its a definate Praise the Lord event, cause not only have my skint student mates pledged over £270 pounds but the fancy uni Hairdressers have agreed to do the cuts for FREE, the power of prayer once again in action
thank you Jesus.

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