Wednesday, May 07, 2008

revival is hitting the fan

image of hand lighting lightblub

im not sure if anyone has heard about the stuff going on in florida, but basically a 3 day 700 people conferance has now been going on for 33 days! the reason it has continued is because God has been showing up and performing amazing miracles, people have gotten out of wheel chairs and healed from all kinds of sickness and disease.

all very exciting for florida, but this as they say is where the plot thickens. a few excited individuals from ireland have gone to see it first hand, they have had the faith passed on and are now kicking out the jams here.

last night i went to a fairly rough bit of belfast to a very ordinary elim church which is almost impossible to find! but when i got there i found group of people who were hungry and open to God. and when He showed up it all kicked off, in that meeting alone there were people healed from deafness (actual bones in the ear which had degenerated were replaced with new ones) arthritis, back pain and a couple of people got to know Jesus for the first time. i was with a guy who is partially sighted and i got prayer for my hips, neither of which were healed on the night, but man it was exciting.

it was so beautiful to a rough belfast accent talk about having received healing and being full of God's love and power, it was free and available to everyone, the main guy was totally honest saying he would have loved to have said they had all been praying for this for years but actually he was totally surprised by it and had no reason why God should have shown up there like that; "im just a skinhead from tigers bay who was a glue sniffer, why should God visit me?"

but its on its there and im feeling like this is the tip of a most awesome iceberg....


Ineke said...

I am sorry, but this is just too much. There have proven to be too many scams and frauds among these miracle preachers.

Anonymous said...

Take it easy , it has been proven that Todd Bently needs to be taken with a pinch of salt A very large one.. Do some research yourself..

graham said...

"it has been proven" by who were, i have seen this with my own eyes here and four or five of my friends have been to florida and seen it with their own eyes. i have also lived out in africa where these things are daily occurrences, it is only small pockets of the west where we have been to conditioned by atheistic education to struggle with these realities. whenever a scientist can distill love in a laboratory or write an equation for courage that i will allow them to dictate the realms of possibility

Anonymous said...

Probably by now you will have realised like so many other good people that this revival is not what it is supposed to be. Ressurrections ??? get a grip. Would that not have made the Belfast Telegraph?? How gullible can one be?