Monday, August 13, 2007

understanding surpasses intellect

Intellect and knowledge are generally triumphed in the western world as being the best and most useful elements of humanity for reasoning, living and proving points by. But when it comes down to it I dont think they are nearly as important as we make out. How many times do we make a decision in our mind and then do the total opposite? Ill just go for one drink we tell ourselves, because logically we have to get up tomorrow and we're a bit skint. But then in the situation the connection of friends, the craic, the new experience of that night over powers all reason and we do what feels right.

In politics etc how many leaders state their manifestos on honour and caring for the working people and schools and hospitals, but when it comes down to it make choices out of fear and self preservation.

In the context of Christianity, i have recently been having a few discussions about particular theological points, which may or may not be that important, these people argue that we should strive to discover as much as possible intellectually, as if it was the highest form of human knowing.

However, I think it has to be deeper, it has to be more mysterious, behavoir modification through reasoning is powerless in the face of all consuming passion. The greatest acts of humanity, of bravery of hope of tolerance and love, flew totally in the face of reason. Therefore to limit knowing God to the intellect or claim these other aspects of humanity are not important or trustworthy is to live in denial of how we really live and are.
Jesus was alive he burned and hurt and raged, he wants to give us new hearts that will provoke us against our own intellect to act in love. To be in relationship with Him is an adventure that connects with every fabric of our being not just logic or reason.

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