Monday, December 19, 2005

the chrismas story so far...

back in belast once again, this time i was very glad to see home, last week was mental. since wednesday morning when i arrived home in my tux from the waterpolo christams dinner at 9am until last night when I arrived in belfast at 9pm I had had about 18 hours sleep, thats 18 in 108hours and most worrying of all only saturday night was it a result of being out. the other whole time was consumed with doing two huge courseworks. One a paper on Audio visualisation for VJing, and the other creating a martian landscape using computer graphics, but no drawing allowed every thing had to be programmed in maths, ie if you want the car to drive down the hill you have to work out the heigh of the hill at that point from a matrice of the landscape, compare it to the size of the car and work out what the new poistion to draw it at.

on the plus side it was only the second time i have actually felt i had given a good shot at something i was mean to be doing and i have also seen friends in london and birmingham on the way.

which is where the title come from, on sunday I had lunch with the betel community in the uk, a friend on mine has been living with them for a while. The Christmas story of Jesus being born to reunite people with their heavenly dad and remove what the world and selfishness has stolen suddenly took a new level of impact. The leader of my friends community was a category A prisoner under 23 hour lock down for armed robbery for 7 years. He now is, becuas of his relationship with Jesus, working in this Betel house helping about 30 people recover from drugs and alcohol addiction, with a beatuiful wife and young family.
Everyone loves a bad guy come good story at this time of year, but when you consider the power of Jesus in his life to take him from hopelessness to being a leader of hope, its pretty inspiring.
It is also challenging, I met a guy who was healed of hepatitus, after being a junkie for 20 years he had been tested positive, they guys had prayed for him and he is now all clear.


Anne said...

Stories like that are inspiring. It just shows how much power faith can actually have.

Have a great christmas!

Anne said...

it was interesting to finally be able to put a voice to the blog!

happy new year!