Monday, January 17, 2005


had an interesting weekend, pretty hectic, played squash for the first time ever and played(lost) a waterpolo match and trained in the same weekend for the first time in years, also went out friday and saturday.
heres the story...

on saturday i went to the pub with a friend here called michael, its a local pub really friendly, so i was sitting chatting away to a few of his mates and tell the girl beside me that i met mic at a bible study. Turns out she used to be really into that when she was wee but hadnt really bothered in years. so she ends up coming to church with us the next night, cool. but as the night wore on and i had a few more guinnesses bit of dancing, bit of chatting and i ended up trying to stick the lips on a (different) girl. this other girl mic had been chatting to eariler about how me and him were different. yeah right. incidentally for your amusment she turned me down, stroked but probably for the best
so although it all went a bit wrong, this girl Stacy came to church for the first time in years. but then this other girl might think christians are hypocrits. does that balance out? should we just have stayed at home?


Anonymous said... the guiness and stickin' the lips on girls (seen through blurry eyes...)...integrity man...sounds like the Deceiver is really after us guys. Press into's tough...and their is NO condemnation.

Keep your lips for the one you will marry. Keep you're covenant with Jesus also. Choose not to slip...

You are an inspiration graham...keep that up. brett (the Tickle Trunk)

Anonymous said...

It was obviously in Gods plan for the girl who went to church... maybe not 4the other girl....
Although the 1 good thing is that at least u cant pretend to be super-human around this other girl, cause most pple have this notion that we think we are(christians that is). At least she knows u have faults like every1. All u can do is trust God to give her another chance to meet the real u!!!
To you it evens itself out, to God its getting you prayin 4this other girl....Gods got a plan for her life.