Thursday, November 25, 2004

was at the snowpatrol gig last night, it had been sold out since i arrived in september but this guy i was dandering to the pub with was handed the tickets by a random in the street - LEGEND, but it gets better the third guy i was at the gig with was a senior UN offical, a canadina guy working for the UN in bulgaria...

I was meeting up with Brendan Tougy(aka the crazy old guy aka the white rabbit), and he bought dinner for me, this guy mark (involved in SUAS a charity that gets students to go and do development for 3 months in the summer, he had gone to calcutta 2 years ago and was helping co-ordinate last year) and Mike a guy who went ack to re-do he leaving cert.(A levels) after a degree in social science to try out his theories or alternatie learning methods. We then headed to the pub to meet 2 of the leaders from SUAS with a guy who had a phd in learning and comp sci - who works with the UN and was hosting this guy Uli(the UN dude who came to the gig) who was over interviewing ppl for JPO positions(work in the UN for a couple of years). So after we had all had a pint Mark, Uli and I headed off to catch the Patrol, who were definately rocking the Olympia :)

so praise the Lord for more adventure, free food, gigs and pints.. LIGHT UP LIGHT UP

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