Monday, February 23, 2004

crash and burning...

stuff has gone a bit wrong recently, i once again turned my back on God, refused to seek his face, thought i knew best and messed everthing up

now closer to Him realising that He has the best for me, not trying to control me but set me free from my own selfish deciptive heart.

reading the blogs below is encouraging seems like a different place but cool.

upset and frustrated at the same failures especially when someone else is involved and i had decided never to make those mistakes again...

but i am fallen and had been missing accountability and drinking just a bit too much a bit to often, being influenced by what i thought i "should be doing" not what i felt or maybe even wanted.

sometimes it takes a while to learn the lesson, I pray that this time it is learned...

to Him who was and is and is to come be the glory honour and praise

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