Saturday, August 23, 2003

just back to a computer after 6 hardcore days of safaari, it was in short amazing, we saw just about every animal God made in this land from lions to zebras, eagles, cheetas, rhinos, giraffee, elephant the complete works, which was class. I obviously took a ridculous amount of photos averaging about 36 a day!
also been quite a chalenging time, been reading George Alagia's book a passage to africa hes the old africa corespondant for the BBC from Sri Lanka, youd know him if you saw him, anyway alot of the book is about how fucked up africa is. I very rarely use that word but this definately warrants it, and the rich west i.e. us have a lot to answer, in pursuit of our own political advances and money we have stuck our hands in where its not wanted and then turned our back when genocide (being committed at a FASTER rate than even Hitler managed with gas chambers) was being carried out in Rwanda.

also been reading acts, James and Thessolosians 1+2 which is really cool the way Paul completely bit the bullet for Jesus, he actually got stoned (no) until they left him for dead then got up again and decided it was time to leave the jails. but most interestingly are his comments about being "out of his mind for God" and not to ignore prophecy....

today visited a Massai village, who are undoubtledly the hardest people on earth they can kill lions, they have spears and knives and big sticks and clubs, and they can walk for miles and miles and it doesnt matter. Anyway the village we visited the men had gone to look for water with the cows(their livelyhood) about 3 months ago and the women were in the wee village, so you drive in, in a fancy land cruiser and pay $40 and they do a dance to welcome you and then show you round there houses (mud huts litterally, held together with cow dung) and its all good till the teenagers start asking for pens and money for photos... funy how it took our safarri driver Peter (a complete legend) to explain all the stuff about traditions, cause they dont speak english but then they know how to ask for the money. but i dont blame then about a 1000 ppl b4 probably gave them it and when most people in the country earn less than $1 a day and massi generally have no income the prospect of getting a couple of dollars off people who have paid $75 for their hotel room is probably too much.
which is all and bit mad and all this stuff is running round my head .. a lot
on the plus side got a guinness tonight, it was wierd foregin export stuff thats pretty strong but good for me nonetheless.
night world

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