Monday, May 12, 2003

shopping on a sunday

i have been just readin a bit in Nehemiah 13 when he(nehemaih) locks the gates and threatens traders with force because on a sunday non-jews are bringing in food and other stuff to sell. (Nehemiah had just rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and is pretty cool, he have everyone from the priests to the pig farmers building along side on another. he was kinda the leader of the God's ppl at the time)
anyway it struck me that the arugement for shopping on a sunday, of "its different now" seems to be contradicted by this passage.
I dont know exactly what that means, it is handy being able to get milk on a sunday when u run out, and i think that a legalistic stand on no sunday shopping, is maybe a waste of energy that could be spent loving people where they are ... but maybe we have forgotten the concept of sunday as being a whole day for celebration and chilling with Jesus, and made it for church and coursework?

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